Im Kalender eintragen

Large Scale Computing for Smaller Entities

Workshop Invitation

When: Tuesday, 16.04.2019, 10:00 – 17:00
Where: EurA AG – Schnackenburgallee 116a 22525 Hamburg
Registration deadline: 09.04.2019

Who is the workshop for?
Are you a small company, independent research center, startup or innovator? Are you a student or a researcher? Would you like to use complex data processing (big data, AI etc.) for your daily activities, but you lack knowledge, competences and/or resources to fully embrace it?
Maybe you have a computing center that is not fully used? Maybe your company has computers that are not used during certain periods? Would you like to share your computation resources with others, using a selected business model?
Maybe you design data processing algorithms and programs, and you would like to share them with others? Or maybe you have an idea on innovative ways to process and analyze data?
If you have answered “yes” to any of the above questions – the workshop is certainly for you.

09:30 – Participant registration and coffee
10:00 – Welcome address
10:15 – High performance computations in commercial applications (EurA AG)
10:40 – BalticLSC: big computing for the smaller ones (Michał Śmiałek, Warsaw University of Tech-nology)
11:15 – Coffee break
10:45 – Short case study topic presentations (participant presentations)
11:30 – Short presentations by computation resource suppliers (participant presentations)
12:30 – Lunch
13:15 – Moderated discussion: “What are the computation needs of smaller entities?”
14:45 – Coffee break
15:15 – Moderated discussions: “How to sell and buy computation power?”
16:45 – Summary

We reserve the right to select seminar participants. The number of participants is limited.
Note we ask all the participants to prepare a 5-10 minute (5 slides) presentation of either their case study problem or description of their company and computation resources.

About BalticLSC
Baltic Large Scale Computing is a cross-national initiative with partners from countries all around the Baltic Sea. The main aim of the partnership is to solve the issue of smaller companies and institutions suffering from the lack of proper access to supercomputing resources and necessary expertise to use them.
The project is launched in the framework of the EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region Program and partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The project activities will be implemented from 1 January 2019 to 30 September 2021.
For more information go to:


Schnackenburgallee 116a
22525 Hamburg

Anmeldung / Kontakt

Die Teilnahme an der Fachkonferenz ist kostenlos, eine Anmeldung ist jedoch erforderlich. Für Ihre Anmeldung nutzen Sie bitte eine der folgenden Optionen:
1. Fill-in our survey found on our web page:
2. Send an email to: Bettina Seeland –


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